Monday, May 20, 2013

10 Super Weird Laws around the World

10 Super Weird Laws around the World

This is presently, 21st Century where People of different countries protest and carry out rallies against their own Government for their wrong behavior but I think the time has come to raise our voice for abolishing some Laws which are totally meaningless to be followed in such developed countries around the world. The word ‘Law’ depicts rules that are bound to be followed by the resident of that respective country. The laws of a particular country represent the system and genuineness of the legislation of that nation. We all live in our countries that have different Laws and regulations to be followed. These Laws are made for keeping balance in the society in different ways or sometimes preserving the culture in form of laws. Making of law requires a very lengthy procedure indeed. Firstly the Bill introducing Law is to be put forth in parliaments and different Houses & then after discussion and reviewing the bill by different committees it goes to the real law maker that is called Legislation for approval and so on. But can you believe there are some Law’s still on books, which don’t have any sense as to why are they been put up by the Legislation on the first place? I think it is because of the people in country who had acted in such a way that these all countries legislation provided their country with all these bizarre and weird laws ever. I can’t be sure whether they are really followed in practicality, but let me give you the top 10 lists of such bizarre lawsaround the world and we would hope to see your comments and reaction on them.

10. Dying in Houses of Parliament

Dying in Houses of parliament 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
Many of you must be aware and read about this law as it has been one of the controversial laws of Great Britain. It’s really a weird thing to say that such a law still prevails in a developed & most renowned country like United Kingdom. There is a law forbidding anyone from dying in Houses of parliament. Yes, it’s true; the reason behind this according to an author, Nigel Cawthorne is that because the parliaments are considered to be part of Royal Palace, anyone who dies on the grounds is entitled to a state funeral. If anyone appears to be ill or not in good condition to survive further they are immediately removed from the parliament premises. Well I wonder about what the punishment would be after dying of such person who has broken the law.  But be sure to not visit Houses of Parliament when you are well enough to not to die there.

9. Hard job as Fireman

Hard job as Fireman 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
Ladies out there! Imagine, if you are caught in a situation where your place is on fire and the fireman refuses you to rescue from there, the only reason because you are in your Night clothes! What would you do? Change clothes? Not sure about that but I surely bet that you will slap him first. Won’t you? Funny enough but yeah, there is a law in St.Louis, Missouri which says that if a woman is in her night clothes, it is illegal for a fireman to rescue her. Thus sleep with your day clothes on to get rescued in fiery situation or get ready and better learn ways to get rescued from fire yourself because fireman is not going to help you always & if such law is seriously in practical practice by fireman’s in St.Louis am sure that the women’s of that place are taught with the life saving rescue methods earlier.

8. Stepping on currency. Watch out!

Stepping on currency. Watch out 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
This law really shows respect towards the King’s in Thailand. But as a fact we are checking out the weird bizarre laws around world this has fallen on number eight in my list. Hence even if the law is based on a genuine reason it is not worth as to what conditions it is applied to as law. The law in Thailand states that if you ever step on currency in Thailand, you are law-breakers as it is an illegal act. The king’s photograph on currency depicts a high sense of honor to his majesty from the citizens but stepping on currency intentionally or unintentionally is illegal, it is equal to be stepping on king’s face itself.

7. Pee in Sea, Bad Idea

Pee in sea 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
We hear many ideas and plans put forth by many national as well as international organizations to keep our surrounding, environment clean. But let me introduce you to one of the most weird laws around world.  I am sure many of you must have urinated in swimming tanks, oceans etc. But peeing in sea or ocean in Portugal? Bad idea… Because urinating in the ocean is illegal in Portugal which also is listed as criminal offense. Thus, this act of urination can lead you to Jail or a heavy fine, which you surely won’t be eager to pay. I doubt how would be the cops able to find out the offenders like spying around the beach with the people’s enjoying in water itself. But as it is a law it’s our duty to use washrooms first.

6. Running out of fuel

running out of fuel 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
We face many laws regarding speed limits and other such laws that are made to increase road safety for their own citizens, but again here is a weird law regarding our vehicles. Do you always keep a check on your fuel tank every time when you get out? If not, then try running your vehicle on streets of Autobahn, without finishing it, because it is illegal to run out of fuel in Autobahn in Germany. So stop predicting about the fuel levels in your vehicle’s fuel-tank when you are out in Germany because if you don’t you may end up paying fine instead of refilling fuel tank.

 5. Wife’s Birthday

Wifes birthday 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
When is your wife’s birthday? Do you remember? Yeah I am sure many of you claim to be great husbands but don’t remember your darling’s birthday…. If you still don’t remember it thank yourself that you are in your country and not in the country called Samoa.
Yes, it’s totally bizarre but true that it is illegal and constitutes to a crime in Samoa, to forget your own wife’s birthday. It depicts that this place has a high place for woman’s and of course from the law high value for their feelings too. So be prepared to make a note of your wife’s birthday or learn it in some or the other way if anyone of you is heading to Samoa, and kids reading this do remind and also inform your Daddy about your mommy’s birthday and also about existence of such law. Am sure 99% of women out there would love to have this kind of law in their own countries as well.

4. Animal Mating

Animal mating 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
Animal mating is natural thing and animals don’t have sense of performing mating in privacy. Have you seen animal mating in your surrounding? It may be normal to many people but I doubt if that is seen in regions of United States or California as it is prohibited. Yeah, it really sounds stupid as why would anyone make such law but as a matter of fact it is true. The law in United States and California which states that Animals are prohibited from publicly mating with each other within 1,500 ft of any tavern or school or the holy place, the church. So try to search the police patrols if any, keeping check on mating of animals, to find out whether the law taken seriously or not?

3. Postage Stamps

Postage stamps 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
As we all are well aware that Great Britain has a very high respect for its King’s and Queen’s even in this age of Democracy. This is a quiet weird law and has been really controversial in Great Britain. Legally speaking, if you make the mistake of placing the postage stamp bearing the queen upside down you are surely going to land in trouble because doing so will directly affect the reputation of Queen. I am not sure whether how much this law is seriously taken in England but the Act of placing the stamp of queen upside down is considered to be Act of Treason by law, which is a serious crime done in any country. So be sure to place the stamp correctly while posting anything next time.

2. Making Faces at Dogs

Making faces at dog 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
Making faces at animals, of course we all have done it but as animals should also be respected equally. If you or your kids enjoy and feel great in making faces at animal’s it’s not great enough because you would end up in jail for this fun which is not worth it. Yeah, am talking about a place called Oklahoma, where making faces at dog is considered to be a criminal offense. It’s really very funny and no matter useless in having such law but again facts are facts, you believe or don’t. So keep respecting your dog or anyone’s dog as with that matter.

1. Tickling Women, no more

Tickling women no more 10 Super Weird Laws around the World
Here comes the funniest, weirdest law ever. After listing out all such bizarre and weird laws I encountered with this one which makes tickling against the law. Let me specify, you can tickle kids, male’s everyone but not Female’s out there. Yes, it is against the law to tickle woman in Virginia. Well, I wonder what’s so bad in tickling the woman’s which surely the law makers of Virginia can explain to the world. After all, they made this law which is as funny as tickling.
Let us know what do you have to say about these super hilarious laws, and also if you know of any other very bizarre law let us know below in comments and we would try featuring it in the list.

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